Monday, July 7, 2014

How to have an Online Business! Facebook Tips and Tricks

Learning something new every day!
Quick Facebook Tip: Want to add a ridiculous amount of edgerank to your posts as well build a deeper relationship with those that are engaging on your status updates?
It's simple. Write a responding comment on your own status update either thanking them, giving feedback on what they wrote, or asking them a question. Now when you do this, they will get a notification on Facebook telling them that you've commented on it. Now, if you want to take it to the next level, ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS TAG their name when you are writing your comment back to them. This will not only send them a notification on Facebook but also an email letting them know 'Robert Mercado mentioned you on Facebook'
Remember, the whole point of replying back to their comment is to build that relationship with them. It shows them you are a real person and at the same time of doing this, you absolutely want to make sure they SEE your reply to them.
Now you might say, "Well Robert, how do I tag a name?" Well I did it in the question that I just wrote. Do you see how I my name is hyperlinked? All you do in the comments section to make that happen is type the @ symbol first and then start typing out the persons name. Now it will come up with their full name although if you hit the backspace button once, it will only have their first name. I like to at times put their first name as it feels even more personal to them. This will work whether the person is a Facebook friend of yours or not Yup, they don't even have to be a fb friend of yours.
Think of your status updates as if you were having a conversation at a hangout location (bar, meeting place, etc) and others bud in to say something. Great opportunity to make new friends, biz friends, etc? Heck Yeah!
Credit for this post goes to Robert Mercado who shared this awesome tip!!!

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